Preclinical Study Planning and Management

Aclairo’s project managers and monitors provide knowledgeable and detailed oversight of your preclinical studies. Based on extensive contract research organizations (CROs) experience, they understand the complex details and timing of studies required by regulatory agencies. They work closely with our senior consultants to bring an understanding of your specific scientific and regulatory needs to the daily management of your preclinical program. As the tactical and logistical interface with your CRO, our project managers and study monitors offer:

Preclinical Study Management

  • Bid solicitation and laboratory selection
  • Protocol development
  • Data and report review
  • On-site study monitoring and preparation of study monitoring reports
  • Preclinical project management
  • Central point of contact for study-related communication
  • Development and maintenance of timelines and budgets for preclinical programs


  • GLP prequalification and auditing
  • Data audits to supplement or overlap a CRO’s inspection
  • Standard operating procedures review and development

For more information, please contact: Heath Thomas